Our state licensed Care Coordinators work with our members to place in motion an individualized plan of service that assists members in reaching any number of goals. Care Coordinators assist members in reaching their goals through linking individuals to various resources, community inclusion, and accountability. Care Coordination services enhance the independence of the member who may be struggling with severe or persistent mental illness and requires assistance in accessing needed community services, including mental health and medical care.
Care coordinators help with coordinating services, advocating and supporting members in achieving goals. This includes assisting members in obtaining and utilizing services such as transportation, housing, employment, community groups and any other services, which might enhance personal independence and community adjustment.
Care Coordination service is the glue that binds together a coordinated plan of treatment and support services for members with severe mental illness.
Team Wellness Center is well trained and experienced in linking members with programs and services that are available through government and private agencies.
Accepts most major insurances
For the uninsured, sliding fee schedule based on income available
If you have any questions, please fill out the form. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here to assist you.
Call Us:(888) 813-TEAM (8326)