6 Criminal Justice Reform Leaders to be Honored During 2022 Team Cares Luncheon
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Detroit, MI (October 12, 2022) – On Tuesday, October 18th, Team Wellness Center and Team Cares Inc. will honor six community leaders at the 2022 Team Cares Luncheon. The honorees are being recognized for their commitment to advancing criminal justice reform and supporting returning citizens in their communities and across the state of Michigan.
Honorees include Michigan State Senators Stephanie Chang and Sylvia Santana, Michigan State Representative Tenisha Yancey, Wayne County Sheriff Raphael Washington, Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network CEO Eric Doeh, and Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson.
“We are honored to salute these courageous individuals for their dedication to justice reform and creating opportunities for returning citizens,” said Michael Hunter, President of Team Wellness Center. “Each of these leaders have been instrumental partners in our efforts to provide supportive services for people with mental illness who are justice involved.”
The keynote speaker for the 2022 Team Cares Luncheon will be the honorable Franklin Deese who rose to become an entrepreneur and eventually the Mayor and City Manager of Marshville, N.C. after serving more than 10 years in the North Carolina prison system. Fox 2 News Anchor Charlie Langton will serve as the emcee for the event.
The luncheon, which serves as the annual fundraiser for Team Cares Inc. a 501c3 organization, will take place at the Roostertail (100 Marquette Dr, Detroit, MI 48214) from 12 – 2 p.m. A meet and greet with Franklin Deese will be held at 11 a.m. for V.I.P. ticket holders and honorees.
For more about the 2022 Team Cares Luncheon and for ticket or sponsorship information, go to teamwellnesscenter.com/luncheon2022.
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